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Influencer accused of photoshopping herself into other people's snaps

Influencer accused of photoshopping herself into other people's snaps

Influencer Aubrey O’Day has found herself at the centre of a Photoshop scandal

Influencer Aubrey O’Day has found herself at the centre of a Photoshop scandal.

The former Danity Kane singer has been accused of photoshopping herself into Instagram snaps depicting the social media star holidaying in exotic locations

Some of O’Day’s 920,000 followers are convinced her far-flung adventures are a set up, with many sceptical of the 38-year-old’s jetsetter lifestyle. 

Influencer Aubrey O’Day has found herself at the centre of a Photoshop scandal.
MediaPunch Inc / Alamy Stock Photo

In her Instagram bio, O'Day describes herself as a ‘world traveller’ and is often seen galavanting around the likes of Bora Bora, Bali and Santorini in grid snaps. 

However, according to Newsweek, most of her recent posts haven’t been going down well with her followers, and beneath each is a ‘stream’ of comments accusing O'Day of using photo editing tools.

The influencer’s Instagram has since been turned private, but in a post shared on social media, photos of O'Day flashed up behind TikToker @residualdata as she attempted to debunk O'Day’s jet-setter lifestyle. 

@residualdata said: “I will truly never get over people photoshopping themselves into random vacation photos.

“So here we have Aubrey O'Day, double platinum recording artist and world traveller, who apparently went on this vacation around Bali... by just Photoshopping herself into pictures.”

She added: "And it's truly, like, every single picture. I don't even know if she went to Indonesia, like, at all."

Watch the video below:

In the TikTok video, O'Day's tropical vacation photos are compared with images found on Google that have practically identical backgrounds. 

@residualdata told her followers that she reckons O’Day ‘uses content from other content creators or photoshops herself into random promotional images with these very inspirational Instagram captions accompanying the photos’.

She concluded: “In an era where social comparison is so high and has real effects, why are we doing this?"

While plenty of people seemed to agree with @residualdata that the photos have clearly been edited, it didn’t seem as though they were particularly bothered. 

One person wrote beneath a Twitter repost of @residualdata’s TikTok clip: “Honestly girl who cares she’s ‘travelling’ safely.”

A second added: “idc she's still queen,” while a third echoed: “Who cares.”

Another noted: “Photo shopping is cheaper than buying Gucci and Gold plated gold chains to make believe you have money. It’s all the same concept, fronting. Making believe you are someone or somebody of stature which most of these people are broke.”

UNILAD has approached O'Day for comment. 

If you have a story you want to tell, send it to UNILAD via [email protected] 

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@aubreyoday

Topics: Instagram, Social Media, TikTok, Celebrity